PA1688 FAQ |
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My IP phone had a PA1688PQ chip inside it, please give me the update firmware? |
Try to find your device in following typical PA1688 based devices first. If no match, please send us the external and internal pictures of your device by email.
AG-168V(Soyo G1681/PA168V) 1-port FXS gateway, AT320 and AT323(PA168S) IP phones,
DP3000(PA168P) 1-port FXS gateway, eHOG/WUC-GW202 1-port FXS gateway, EP668 IP phone, ET6602(PA168T) IP phone, HOP-1002(5111PHONE and PINGHE) IP phones, HOP-3003 IP phone,
IP2004 IP phone, IP300 IP phone, IPF-2000 IP phone, IPH E00 IP phone, IPLINK IP phone, KE1000 IP phone,
KTA1010 1-port FXS gateway, ML220(KE1020/KE1020A/KE1021A) IP phone, MYICALL IP phone,
NT323C 1-port FXS gateway, Primeworx P100(Global IPtel G100/Cistrix CT-100/Siptronic ST-102) IP phone, PA168F IP phone, PA168Q 1-port FXS gateway,
JR168S and China Roby PB-35 IP phone, VOIP616 IP phone, YWH10 IP phone, YWH100 IP phone, YWH500 IP phone. |
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I have a device with MAC address 00-09-45-xx-xx-xx which is registered by your company, can I update it? |
Please use the answer of previous question, we can not provide software by MAC address. Some devices (for example JR168) with Palmmicro MAC address are actually based on other chipset. |
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I can not see the SIP configuration in web interface? |
You need use "super" password to enter web interface in order to access SIP (or other protocol) configuration web page. If none of those default "12345678", "19750407", "19800211" can work, you can try to hack the password by yourself. |
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I can pretty much compile the firmware here following the instructions on the website but I am unsure of the definitions in the headers? |
Compile in Windows cammand line prompt, following steps below, no need to worry extra header definitions:
1. Download the compiler, extract it to C:\keil
2. Download software API and extract to C:\Palmh323
3. "cd Palmh323"
4. Run setenv.bat
5. Run command line "mk pa168v iax2 us" to compile the PA168V IAX2 English version. |
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My phone got stuck at "Booting ..." after update new software? |
Many PA1688 manufacturers and users prefer to set "debug" option to "no check", and prevent any check on the upgrade files. When wrong software is used, for example, updated "PINGHE" software to "5111PHONE", this error will occur because the booting sequences are different. Need to recover the correct software in safe mode.
In some rare cases, because we changed booting sequence at an early software version, if your orginal phone software version is older than that, you need to use PalmTool to update page0.hex safe mode file to fix this problem. We do not provide page0 file download because update page0 is rather risky, please email us. |
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Is there a way to load the firmware from another phone for debuging? |
No. |
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I received a page0.hex, how to update it? |
Select PalmTool "PFlash Page" to "page0", "PFlash Type" to what we instructed along with the page0.hex file, and use "Update PFlash" to update it. The file page0.hex is different for each hardware type and there has no check, do NOT use it with other devices except those we specially specified! |
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I cannot change the ring tone. I've tried to upload via web interface most of them in .dat .zip and .pcm format but it never work I always have the default ring tone although the ring tone file update was successful? |
Please use ringtone in .dat file, and select option "Audio Settings" -> "ring type" to "user define" or "advanced". |
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PalmTool "List Phones" can list the phone, but when trying to change settings or upgrade, "Can not connect to Palm1" or "tcp connection failed" message is displayed? |
PalmTool change settings and upgrade can only work when the device "debug" option is not "disabled". In web page, change "debug" option no zero value like "output" will be ok.
As "List Phones" message is sent to broadcast address, you might also need to check if your PC and phone are in the same subnet. For example, when your phone address is and your PC address is, you can also see the listed phone, but can not connect by TCP. |
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After loading upgrade file, PalmTool says "Updating ... please wait until the update led stops flashing" but I do not see any LED? |
Use the LCD display on your phone to judge if the update finished. |
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Which "PFlash Type" in PalmTool should I choose from? |
"PFlash Type" only matters when upgrade page by page in "Update PFlash", it does not matter when you change "Phone Settings" or "Upgrade Program". |
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It appears that the PA168Q V1.66 IAX2 English version has no incoming Caller-ID FSK? I am in the US. We use the bellcore FSK 1200baud cid standard. |
Seems that we had only implemented PA168Q (and all other PA1688 based ATAs) Chinese Caller-ID function. |
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My God the LM386 in AT323 phone is working ALL the time? |
Exactly. |