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KTA1010 1-port FXS Gateway

Like KE1000 IP phone, Koncept KTA1010 1-port FXS gateway uses none standard PA1688 software and hardware design. We can not provide upgrade files for this device.

Front. Large
PA1688 based Koncept KTA1010 1-port FXS gateway front picture.

Back. Large
PA1688 based Koncept KTA1010 1-port FXS gateway back picture.

PCB. Large
PA1688 based Koncept KTA1010 1-port FXS gateway internal PCB picture.

PCB special, the F3 hub chip used here is typical among Koncept PA1688 products. Large
PA1688 based Koncept KTA1010 1-port FXS gateway PCB details with F3 hub chip.

PCB special, notice the MX29LV800BTTC-70 program flash chip, it is the major difference between KTA1010 and our standard PA168Q 1-port FXS gateway hardware reference design. Large
PA1688 based Koncept KTA1010 1-port FXS gateway PCB details with MX29LV800BTTC-70 flash chip.

PCB special, RTL8019AS ethernet chip. Large
PA1688 based Koncept KTA1010 1-port FXS gateway PCB details with RTL8019AS ethernet chip.

PCB special,AG1170 SLIC module . Large
PA1688 based Koncept KTA1010 1-port FXS gateway PCB details with AG1170 SLIC module.

Above pictures taken by Lian.