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ML220 IP Phone

Like KE1000 IP phone, this ML220 made by Koncept uses none standard PA1688 software and hardware design. We can not provide upgrade files for this device.
More popular name of this phone might be KE1020/KE1020A/KE1021A. As we provide PA1688 software API, there is little chance that you might be able to hack something out, as the hardware is similar with PA168S design, there is possibility that a modified PA168S software might work. But it is just a guess, no success story so far.

Front. Large
PA1688 based Koncept ML220 IP phone front picture.

PCB. The F3 hub chip can also be found in KTA1010, which is typical among Koncept PA1688 products. Large
PA1688 based Koncept ML220 IP phone internal PCB picture.

Above pictures taken by Ralf W.