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Out of Stock
Jun 25, 2010
We built nearly 100 AR168M VoIP modules 28 months ago. About 30 customers had bought the module during this period and 10% of them had finally put the design into production by now.
Maybe because of world economic recovery is on the way, or because of nobody else is still doing VoIP, or our existed customers products based AR168M had somewhat attracted world attention, the requests from all around the world to buy AR168M samples surged during the past week. Quickly we are out of stock.
We have to say sorry to those interested in AR168M. We might not run new production of it unless existing customers place quantity orders in the future. However, as we provide full hardware design of it, users can still buy AR1688 chip and build the module by themselves.
I can make it, I know I can. -- St Elmo's Fire
AR1688 side of a customer made AR168M VoIP module
RTL8019AS and MT28F016S5 side of a customer made AR168M VoIP module

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