










Around the World in 50 Days Paid by SiRF

Aug 13, 2007
People are curious about what we are doing those days. An email arrived yesterday pointed out that we had no update for AR1688 firmware for 50 days. And there are also people guessing that we are on big holidays since the merger of Centrality by SiRF. Travell around world is one the hottest topic of what going to do after getting rich, but 50 days are too long to around the world today.
50 days ago I was in Shenzhen, China. My routes were Shenzhen-Beijing-Shenzhen-Shanghai-Beijing-Shenzhen, and 50 days later I am in Shenzhen again, another sleepless programming night in Shenzhen just as the night I got the merger news on Jun 22.
Centrality's decision of discontinue VoIP business and PA1688 chip is obviously a correct one. Focusing on GPS business, the merger comes in 18 months later. Meanwhile, in those 18 months we were bringing AR1688 into VoIP market, so far still a very small business. Facing chip performance limitations and the whole VoIP business sucks, I need to save the around-the-world-money and use it on the surviving of our small business.

AR1688 Entertainment PA1688 PA3288 PA6488 Palmmicro

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