First, let me thank you for making the pa1688 source code available. (首先, 谢谢你们pa1688源代码公开的举措.)
I have a few 5111PHONE units, and they've been working quite well for nearly ten years. However, I have often wished that they had a mute button. (我手头有几台5111PHONE电话, 在过去接近10年中一直工作得相当好. 但是, 我经常希望它们有一个静音键.)
I spend a lot of time on conference calls, and I like to put them on speaker while I half-listen. It is usually a good idea to mute the microphone for obvious reasons ...
(我在会议电话中度过了很多时间, 当我只是在听的时候, 我喜欢把电话放到免提上. 由于显而易见的原因, 把麦克风静音会是个好主意 ...)
... so I have assigned a mute function to the redial button. It's not likely that I will need to redial the previous number while on a call, so it seemed the logical thing to do.
(... 于是我用重拨键实现了静音功能. 因为我不太可能会在打电话的时候重拨上一个号码, 这看起来是个合理的方案.)
Diff attached. I'd appreciate it if you were to incorporate some version of the patch into your repository, so that I won't have to manually patch the source when I update the firmware.
(附件中是改动的代码. 我希望你能够把这个改动用到你的版本中, 这样我下次升级软件的时候不用再手工做这个修改了.)
Thanks again for making the source code free. (再一次感谢自由软件.)
我高兴的合并了他的改动, 并且觉得奇怪为什么这么好的主意在过去10年中没有被实现过. 很快我发现我们标准的PA168S软件中, 服务IP键按照完全相同的方式被复用成了静音键.
由于重拨键更为常见, 而且通常占据着更好的位置, 我把这个功能用在了所有PA1688电话的1.69后软件版本中.
然后我检查了AR1688电话, 很欣慰的发现它们全部都有一个单独的静音键. 显然在我们7年前设计AR1688方案的时候, 还是多少有了些长进的!