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JPEG Story
May 16, 2011
It was in 1992, one day Denvor told me very excitedly about a new technology named JPEG. He had just converted his Rie Miyazawa collection from BMP to JPG and saved a lot of floppy disks. He was also a little worried that the compression was lossy and the file displayed not so fast on Mo Jun's 286 PC. This was the first time I met JPEG.
The first time I got my hands on JPEG source code was in ESS with Professor Cui in 1997. Dr Jia and I wrote a CMOS sensor bayer pattern interpolation algorithm test application for Dr Wang. I used IJG JPEG version "6a 7-Feb-96" source code for JPG file read and write. A screen snapshot from the application is displayed below. I used Rie Miyazawa pictures extensively in the test.
When PA6488 web interface need JPEG file support, I grabbed version "8b 16-May-2010" from IJG and quickly put it working. JPEG is only occasionally used and not critical for performance, so we did not optimize much of the code as we are doing with H.264.
Last month I noticed by chance that IJG had moved to version "8c 16-Jan-2011". Although the changes do not affect our PA6488 solution, I merged the update last week for the peace of mind.
test interpolation algorithm with Rie Miyazawa Santa Fe JPEG file

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